The GDPR is the law created to give people more control over the personal data they share on the internet. Before starting GDPR, then there had been multiple cases of misusages, and individual data violations, like trading contacts to third parties without users identifying about that. These breaches had paved the way to an ardent need in the law that could bring control over the individual data back to people. It protects not only the customer data, but also the data of employees, suppliers, and any parties involved in data sharing.
The UKAS will issue GDPR certification accredited certification bodies against ICO approved certification scheme criteria. To obtain accreditation once a scheme is in the place, you will need to apply to the certification body delivering that scheme. Keep these points in mind while getting a GDPR compliance certificate:
The GDPR is a complex 11 chaptered document with 99 articles that cover a wide range of user privacy issues. This set of regulations can be hard to digest and interpret, which is where this checklist enters the picture. The ultimate GDPR compliance checklist highlights and lays out all of the main bases that you have to cover systematically to achieve GDPR compliance.