
May 4, 2017

Should a software or website be built from scratch or use themes or templates?

When I was pursuing my Bachelor in Computer Application I was actually trying to improve my computer programming skills. Computer languages like C and C++ are […]
April 28, 2017

Theoretical explanation of how Siri works

Everyone is familiar with this term Siri, since the Apple market is growing and those who, no matter purchased or not, know that it is a […]
April 19, 2017

Cloud Computing Basics for Beginners and It’s Various Types

What’s cloud? What’s cloud computing? Ever wondered why this term is taking over the internet and the world wide web? Why has it reached nearly all […]
April 17, 2017

Enterprise Resource Planning – Why we need it and which is the best?

There has been always hype of Enterprise Resource Planning and a never ending debate whether an organization should adapt it or not. There are many disadvantages […]
April 13, 2017

Internet of Things, Internet of Everything, Web of Things – Comparison

  Those who are much into knowing about the technical stuffs, gadgets, etc. know what Internet of Things (IoT) is. But the enthusiasm doesn’t end here. […]
April 5, 2017

Dual Php with Apache-CGI in Plain server

There are many situations, where we require to run multiple php versions on a single apacheinstance. Here are the steps followed, to install php5.4 and php5.6 […]
March 30, 2017

Senior Citizens Friendly Mobile Phones

Being a senior citizen is no joke. One has to undergo many kinds of physical and mental deformities. Blurry images, poor memory, physical inactivity, etc. are […]
March 22, 2017

Future of Big Data – Predictions of upcoming years

Yes, the Big Data has occupied nearly all businesses at present and there is certainly no denial that it will continue to exist forever, no matter […]
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