
November 16, 2016

What’s Better – Free Basics or Net Neutrality?

The Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg initiated a move of Free Basics across the world including India that 53 countries and municipalities have already approved till date. […]
November 11, 2016
Mobile App development

What You Don’t Know About Mobile App Development In India – 2015-2016 Statistics, Facts & Figures

Mobile App Development in India is rapidly expanding at a breakneck pace. Competitive spirits have changed the way marketing functions. Ever growing technology and increased affordability […]
November 8, 2016

Making a difference and enabling lives – 3D Printing Technology

While the term 3D printing is still relatively new to me (please excuse my ignorance!) and I have been sitting around and contemplating the uses of […]
November 8, 2016

Forget Selfie Sticks, There are Drones for You Now!

Are you planning to buy a selfie stick? Well, I don’t think that would be that essential in the coming years. This is because drones have […]
November 2, 2016

Top 5 Best Selling Smartphones of 2016 – India and Worldwide Statistics

With the rise in iOS and Android smartphones, the growth of Indian mobile app market simultaneously skyrocketing. Every month you can see hundreds of apps launching […]
October 12, 2016

How will you detect whether your iPhone is real or fake?

There are numerous incidences around the world where people are be-fooled of purchasing the fake iPhone models. Since the Apple brand has emerged into something that […]
October 7, 2016

What made Windows so popular that even Linux couldn’t stand?

    Everyone who is quite much familiar with the computers and related stuffs knows that Linux is much more reliable than Windows because it is […]
October 4, 2016

9 Best Spy Gadgets in the Market that Anyone Could Use

Ever felt like being a hero in your own self-created fantasy, although far from reality? Whenever we watch movies like James Bond or Mission Impossible, we […]
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