
June 24, 2016

Impact of Start-ups on our economy

WE have all heard of start-ups and small businesses, small enterprises. What are they in actual sense? They are a small team of members who have […]
June 21, 2016

Augmented Audio Reality Listening Earbuds, Bionic Ears

Augmented Audio Reality has come into existence to filter the surrounding noises that we hear on daily basis that hinder our concentration while working on something […]
June 17, 2016

Flexible Displays – New Emerging Technology – Pros & Cons

The Flexible Displays are one among the latest technologies drawing attention among enthusiastic programmers and since it has been announced for its launch sometime by 2017 […]
June 13, 2016

Importance of quality customer care in today’s world

Most of us are of the habit of buying stuff online or ordering for various kinds of services online. This is because it is simpler, makes […]
June 3, 2016

Practical Uses and Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the term basically used for machines who can “think”. In practical sense there are many applications that, by using the concept of AI, […]
June 1, 2016

Common myths about technology that has spread among people

There is no backing in the field of science and technology but whoever uses it doesn’t know everything about this and so numerous myths prevail and […]
May 31, 2016

Hoverboard Self Balancing Scooter – Pros and Cons

Hoverboard could be termed as self-balancing two-wheeled board or self-balancing scooter. It is a rechargeable battery powered device which is used to enable a person move […]
May 30, 2016

Car-to-Car communication – Will V2V minimize road accidents?

Have you ever thought about two or more cars or any other vehicles “talking” to each other? The technology of Car-to-Car communication is going to do […]
May 25, 2016

Microsoft HoloLens – A Mixed Reality

A mixed reality is a concept that involves both Virtual and Augmented Reality. Microsoft HoloLens is based on that concept. The device is a holographic computer […]
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