
March 17, 2016

What is encryption technology and what are its benefits?

This is a world of net surfing, online shopping and communicating (texting and calling) via internetwork. This has made everyone’s life easier. Who would have thought […]
March 16, 2016

Virtual Reality – What is VR & What are its applications?

The term ‘Virtual‘ refers to something which is not real, not physical but something that can only be felt in such a way that the whole […]
March 15, 2016

Samsung Gear S2 Versus The Apple Watch

It’s often quite a confusion while purchasing a particular technically sound gadget. So, why not compare the most searched smartwatches, i.e. Samsung Gear S2 with The […]
March 14, 2016

R1 soft plugin in paper_latern theme on cpanel

Here are the steps to install R1 soft plugin in paper_latern theme on cpanel. https://wiki.r1soft.com/display/ServerBackup/Set+up+cPanel+plugin This link mainly focus on installing the plugin on X3 theme. […]
January 22, 2016

What is CageFS and its benefits

CageFS is a virtualized file system which enables each user to have its own cage. Each customer will have its own fully functional CageFS, with all […]
January 22, 2016

SQL syntax or access violation error while running joomla xmlImport.php file

Error: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1118 Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB or using ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC or ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED […]
September 17, 2015

The Importance and Role of Good Content in SEO

SEO is nothing without content and Vice-Versa! The SEO performed on your website will be effective and fruitful only when it is backed up with good […]
September 14, 2015

The Simplest and the most Easy Steps to create a User friendly Website

The online world is a place where there is no boundaries to what extent a business can flourish. It is like an open platform for your […]
August 24, 2015

The Truth about SEO

SEO is a difficult and a constantly changing process that most of the companies around the world are trying to get involved with. Search Engine Optimization […]
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