
August 16, 2014

Setup SVN in cPanel

SVN or Apache Subversion is a software versioning and revision control system . Developers worldwide use SVN to maintain current and historical versions of files which change often […]
August 16, 2014

How to fix the awstats error “Error: LogFile parameter is not defined in config/domain file” ?

If you come across the below error on accessing Awstats from cPanel Error: LogFile parameter is not defined in config / domain file (‘/home/{user}/tmp/awstats/awstats.{domain.com}.conf’ file, web […]
August 16, 2014

How to whitelist/blacklist an email address in Spamexperts?

Here is how to whitelist as well as blacklist an email address through the SpamExperts control panel. This article asusmes you are already logged into the […]
August 16, 2014

How to add dedicated IP to parked/addon domain in cPanel?

Follow the below steps to assign a dedicated IP to either a parked/addon domain in case of cpanel servers. Edit DNS zone of addon to point […]
August 16, 2014

How to install missing cdp plugin in cPanel

If a client has CDP backups but doesn’t have the “R1soft restore backups” icon in their cPanel, the cPanel plugin is likely not installed. Installing this […]
August 16, 2014

Steps to restore an innodb database

Below are the steps to restore mysql database with innodb tables , without contacting r1soft. Set up a temporary mysql “sandbox” instance  using the innodb files and the […]
August 16, 2014

Optimize database using phpMyAdmin

Over a time as your website add contents to it’s database, the files/tables will become fragmented resulting in slower performance. Optimizing the database will essentially defragment […]
August 16, 2014

Change a cPanel account having long username without shortening it

Cpanel doesnt allow usernames longer than 8 characters. You may face issues when sites are migrated from Ensim with usernames longer than the 8 character limit […]
August 16, 2014

Change document root in cPanel with root access

Steps to change the Document Root (with server root access) In order to edit the following files, you may need root access or sudo user access […]
1 Step 1
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