
January 17, 2021

Security Must-Haves for a Safe RPA Solution

RPA introduces new and added risks to the business. It is opening a new expanse for hackers and attackers to access information illegally and create havoc. […]
January 14, 2021

Is RPA only for developers?

Is RPA only for developers? Not anyone with a good understanding of the process and workflows can be a good RPA developer. There are several test […]
January 13, 2021

How Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the Healthcare sector

Artificial Intelligence or AI is transforming all the industries globally, and the same applies to healthcare as well. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how AI […]
January 12, 2021

ERP Implementation over : What’s next?

Introduction Market Research states that the global Market of ERP is all set to touch  $ 78.40 Billion by the year 2026, which indicates the strength […]
December 31, 2020
data annotation and labeling

The need for outsourcing your data annotation project

Artificial intelligence or machine learning relies on data transfer sets. It helps AI  algorithms to notice objects and learn bound patterns for future predictions. But obtaining […]
December 31, 2020
e-commerce in the healthcare sector

Ecommerce in Healthcare

“Healthcare organizations spend about 10 billion dollars a year on digital technology and will reach 32 billion dollars a year in 2021.” Due to Covid-19, we […]
December 31, 2020
A Beginner’s guide to email marketing

A Beginner’s guide to email marketing

Beginners guide to email marketing Most of our email inboxes will get flooded with automated email newsletters that do nothing other than giving us another task […]
December 28, 2020
PCI-DSS Compliance

Steps to achieve and maintain PCI-DSS Compliance

Card holder’s information is under constant threat from hackers. With the user’s payment details and other hacking techniques, an attacker can use it to make successful […]
December 24, 2020
What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality: Use cases in Ecommerce

Augmented reality is the talk of the town for the past few years. But, its invention ages back to 1968 when Ivan Sutherland made a head-mounted […]
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