
August 17, 2020
How does the Puppet Configuration Manager work?

How does the Puppet Configuration Manager work?

Ever thought about how System Admins manage to keep the hardware up-to-date and functioning? System admins usually have to deal with repetitive tasks like managing operating […]
August 11, 2020


Workflow of RPA The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The […]
August 4, 2020
Legacy system modernization

A Guide to legacy system modernization

The world has undergone a huge change in the past few months, as now we are facing one of the biggest challenges we have confronted socially, […]
July 30, 2020
Digital Marketing Reshaping Election Campaign

How Digital Marketing And Predictive Modelling Are Reshaping The Election Campaign Landscape

It is quite surprising how the pandemic has made a massive disruption to the election  schedules across continents and within countries like Bolivia, Ethiopia, Serbia, Iran, […]
July 28, 2020
Secure E-Commerce Portal

Is your E-Commerce Portal Secure from Cyber-Attacks?

67%  of consumers fear that their personal information will be compromised in a future data breach INTRODUCTION Cyber threats are one of the biggest challenges to Business […]
July 23, 2020
Getting Started with Docker

Getting Started with Docker

Docker is a containerization tool developed by Docker Inc. in 2013, which helps you to create, deploy, and run containers smoothly. In other words, Docker acts […]
July 17, 2020
Educational Ecosystem and Learning

How our Educational Ecosystem and Learning will adapt to become a complete Digital Ecosystem after COVID-19

Introduction  Organizations all over the world are facing restrictions in its daily operations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Going forward, these restrictions will impact the education […]
July 13, 2020
Predictive Analytics for E commerce

Predictive Analytics: The Game Changer of E-commerce

The E-commerce field is prone to constant change, the evolution in technologies is happening by the second, and the businesses are battling it out in the market to […]
July 10, 2020

BITS & PIXELS- NDZ News Letter, July 2020

HEALTH IS WEALTH We live in an increasingly connected yet disconnected world. Connected through technology with each other but truly disconnected from ourselves. It comes as […]
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