Application Services

October 8, 2020
GDPR compliance and checklist

GDPR Compliance and Checklist

The GDPR is the law created to give people more control over the personal data they share on the internet. Before starting GDPR, then there had […]
October 1, 2020
Online Lab Testing

Online Lab Testing – The new normal

The times are changing quickly, and the current pandemic situation has brought about a paradigm shift as people are relying on technology to catch up with […]
September 25, 2020
GDPR: How does it affect your business?

GDPR: How does it affect your business?

Introduction The GDPR came into effect in the EU region on 25th May 2018, replacing the previous Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK. The EU […]
September 22, 2020
Getting Started with DevOps

Is Offshore Development A Saviour To Overcome The Pandemic Crisis?

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a massive hit in the functioning of business across the world. Irrespective of any natural disasters, the impact […]
September 19, 2020
Healthcare to E-healthcare

The transition from Healthcare to E-healthcare: Top 5 things you should know

+When everything around is changing and evolving for the better, healthcare took a giant leap changing the lives on the face of the earth. From the […]
September 7, 2020


The Digital Revamp Change is inevitable and a scenario like the pandemic has forced us to adapt and open up to the “new normal” of digital […]
August 20, 2020

RPA Can Streamline Hospital Capacity Monitoring for COVID-19

RPA can streamline hospital capacity monitoring for COVID 19 cases. Even western countries with better hospitals and facilities were overwhelmed by the spread of the virus. […]
August 4, 2020
Legacy system modernization

A Guide to legacy system modernization

The world has undergone a huge change in the past few months, as now we are facing one of the biggest challenges we have confronted socially, […]
July 28, 2020
Secure E-Commerce Portal

Is your E-Commerce Portal Secure from Cyber-Attacks?

67%  of consumers fear that their personal information will be compromised in a future data breach INTRODUCTION Cyber threats are one of the biggest challenges to Business […]
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