May 6, 2021
India’s Cyber Resilience

Amid Chinese Cyber Threat, How’s India’s Cyber Resilience Looking?

Amid Chinese Cyber Threat, How’s India’s Cyber Resilience Looking? The news Chinese ‘Red Echo’ has targeted India’s ten power stations and two ports, which has become […]
February 11, 2021

Why is Investing in VAPT so critical for an Organisation?

VAPT is a combination of two cybersecurity services Vulnerability Assessment (VA) and Penetration Testing. VAPT full form is Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing is a security […]
January 20, 2021

The 5 biggest cybersecurity threats for the healthcare industry

The healthcare industry is continuously facing enormous cybersecurity threats. It is mainly facing issues from the range of insider threats to malware and DDoS attacks. Compared […]
December 28, 2020
PCI-DSS Compliance

Steps to achieve and maintain PCI-DSS Compliance

Card holder’s information is under constant threat from hackers. With the user’s payment details and other hacking techniques, an attacker can use it to make successful […]
September 30, 2020
Cybersecurity threats in health care

Cybersecurity Threats and Breaches in the Hospital Sector

Cybersecurity and COVID-19 are the two aspects that are being used in our daily conversations nowadays. With the breakout of this pandemic came many issues revolving […]
September 19, 2020
Healthcare to E-healthcare

The transition from Healthcare to E-healthcare: Top 5 things you should know

+When everything around is changing and evolving for the better, healthcare took a giant leap changing the lives on the face of the earth. From the […]
July 28, 2020
Secure E-Commerce Portal

Is your E-Commerce Portal Secure from Cyber-Attacks?

67%  of consumers fear that their personal information will be compromised in a future data breach INTRODUCTION Cyber threats are one of the biggest challenges to Business […]
May 27, 2020
Impact of Automation

Automation – Impact on Retail, finance and IT sectors

We live in a world that changes every day; responding quickly and keeping our business on par with these unprecedented changes has become a major challenge […]
May 26, 2020
Cybersecurity During Coronavirus

Why Cybersecurity Matters More Than Ever During The Coronavirus Pandemic

We know that it’s tough times everywhere as Corona had hit hard. And at this time of tension and difficulties, another risk we face now is […]
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