Blog Post

October 22, 2020
What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence : An Overview

What is artificial intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI)  emphasizes the improvement of smart machines, wondering and working like humans. For example, AI is widely used in problem-solving, […]
October 16, 2020
Data Visualisation


The Impact of Data Visualisation Data visualization is in simple terms, the representation of data in a graphical format or through charts and other visual aids. […]
October 14, 2020
Cloud Adoption

Implement the power of cloud to accelerate digital transformation

Cloud computing is the swift delivery of different services through the internet. The other resources involved in these services include various tools and applications like data […]
October 8, 2020
GDPR compliance and checklist

GDPR Compliance and Checklist

The GDPR is the law created to give people more control over the personal data they share on the internet. Before starting GDPR, then there had […]
October 1, 2020
Online Lab Testing

Online Lab Testing – The new normal

The times are changing quickly, and the current pandemic situation has brought about a paradigm shift as people are relying on technology to catch up with […]
September 30, 2020
Cybersecurity threats in health care

Cybersecurity Threats and Breaches in the Hospital Sector

Cybersecurity and COVID-19 are the two aspects that are being used in our daily conversations nowadays. With the breakout of this pandemic came many issues revolving […]
September 29, 2020
Get to know more about Wazuh

Get to know more about Wazuh

Wazuh is a fork of the OSSEC HIDS(Host-Based Intrusion Detection System) project. Wazuh grants a free, open-source platform to small and big enterprises for incident response, […]
September 25, 2020
GDPR: How does it affect your business?

GDPR: How does it affect your business?

Introduction The GDPR came into effect in the EU region on 25th May 2018, replacing the previous Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK. The EU […]
September 22, 2020
Getting Started with DevOps

Is Offshore Development A Saviour To Overcome The Pandemic Crisis?

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a massive hit in the functioning of business across the world. Irrespective of any natural disasters, the impact […]
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