
July 26, 2019

A Complete Guide on Forensic Analysis Tools

Forensic Analysis Tools Digital devices are everywhere and their application in the events of investigations is significant. Whether a device belongs to a suspect or victim, […]
March 22, 2019

How ISO standards can benefit your business? Benefits of ISO 9001 implementation

Some people think that Getting ISO certification is a kind of trouble. It may have some formalities to do but it will be worth for small […]
December 5, 2018

What is Dark Web? Dark Web vs Deep Web | What is the difference?

Do you know that the Web does not just contain that we traditionally search through the crawlers? What does that mean? It means that whatever we […]
September 27, 2018

How to do payment gateway integration?

Payment gateway supports an online store to accept credit card payments from consumers. Payment gateways cost funds and impose fee per transaction, but there is a […]
July 23, 2018

What is GDPR? – Everything About General Data Protection Regulation

What is GDPR? The term GDPR has been buzzing more in our ears past few months. What is it? Few of you might have a question […]
April 3, 2018

Importance of Database Security and Requirements

Everyone knows how important it is to save the never-ending Big data. But the degree of troubles is only experienced by the DBA who handles this […]
January 12, 2018

How to choose the right payment gateway for your site?

If someone tries to start an online (e-commerce) business, he or she has to learn the whole procedure and how to choose the right one so […]
September 19, 2017

What are the types of malware that could be potential threat to the computer system?

We all have heard terms like “computer virus”, “worms”, etc. but little do we know their exact purpose and how these negatively affect our computer system. […]
May 5, 2017

Why Microsoft seems more susceptible to viruses than Mac or Linux

To all those who aren’t familiar with the “computer virus” other than mere geeko term, need to know that it isn’t a rocket science to understand […]
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