web server

July 5, 2019

Top 5 Benefits of a Cloud Server

A cloud server is also known as the virtual server operating in a cloud computing environment. It is developed, hosted and distributed through a cloud computing […]
May 22, 2015

Apachebooster – Cpanel Featured Plugin – Ngnix Varnish Apache

HOW TO MAKE MY BLOG FASTER? Apachebooster – WordPress Benchmark Achieved 65% Performance improvement and 150% better access timings in 2core 2GB Xen VPS Apachebooster is […]
March 28, 2015

Exim mail server

Exim Exim is a mail transfer agent which is used on Unix-like operating systems for sending,receiving and routing the email messages. Exim is a free software […]
March 28, 2015

DNS – Domain Name System

Domain Name System (DNS) Domain Name system is implemeted as the hierarchial  and distributed database containing various types of data, including hostnames and domain names. Most […]
March 28, 2015

Web servers: Apache and Nginx

This article discuss some points about two major web servers Apache and Nginx. Apache Apache is the most popular web server since 1996. Apache software foundation […]
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