August 26, 2014

Magento Can’t login to admin panel.

Magento is an open source CMS for e-commerce based web sites. Sometimes, there are problems logging into the backend of our Magento site, despite the fact […]
August 16, 2014

How to clean Magento Database Logs to improve performance?

Magento is a pretty stable eCommerce system but the database is not that efficient as it should be.  A major performance boost can be achieved by […]
September 30, 2013

Tweak magento website for a better performance

Magento is a popular open source CMS used by ecommerce based websites. magento website can be tuned and optimized for a better performance Step 1) by […]
May 28, 2013

How to fix ./wp-blog-header.php error [function.require]:failed to open stream wordpress error?

  If you are seeing this errors after a fresh wordpress installation, this is most likely because you have installed wordpress into public_html instead of a […]
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