October 31, 2020
All about GDPR Information Security

All about GDPR Information Security

What is Information Security? Information technology security is defending computers, networks, applications, and records from unauthorized access or assaults that aim for exploitation. Absolute information security […]
October 8, 2020
GDPR compliance and checklist

GDPR Compliance and Checklist

The GDPR is the law created to give people more control over the personal data they share on the internet. Before starting GDPR, then there had […]
September 25, 2020
GDPR: How does it affect your business?

GDPR: How does it affect your business?

Introduction The GDPR came into effect in the EU region on 25th May 2018, replacing the previous Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK. The EU […]
July 23, 2018

What is GDPR? – Everything About General Data Protection Regulation

What is GDPR? The term GDPR has been buzzing more in our ears past few months. What is it? Few of you might have a question […]
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