
September 17, 2015

The Importance and Role of Good Content in SEO

SEO is nothing without content and Vice-Versa! The SEO performed on your website will be effective and fruitful only when it is backed up with good […]
April 23, 2015


ApacheBooster has been specifically designed to enhance the working of web-servers based on cPanel. ApacheBooster as the name suggests boosts the working ability of the Apache […]
August 16, 2014

How to clean Magento Database Logs to improve performance?

Magento is a pretty stable eCommerce system but the database is not that efficient as it should be.  A major performance boost can be achieved by […]
August 16, 2014

Optimize database using phpMyAdmin

Over a time as your website add contents to it’s database, the files/tables will become fragmented resulting in slower performance. Optimizing the database will essentially defragment […]
September 30, 2013

Tweak magento website for a better performance

Magento is a popular open source CMS used by ecommerce based websites. magento website can be tuned and optimized for a better performance Step 1) by […]
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