April 23, 2015


ApacheBooster has been specifically designed to enhance the working of web-servers based on cPanel. ApacheBooster as the name suggests boosts the working ability of the Apache […]
August 16, 2014

How to add dedicated IP to parked/addon domain in cPanel?

Follow the below steps to assign a dedicated IP to either a parked/addon domain in case of cpanel servers. Edit DNS zone of addon to point […]
January 15, 2014

Mysql database size not showing in cpanel

You may see the mysql database size is zero in cPanel >> Mysql Databases, though the databases contains tables and data. In order to include the […]
January 11, 2014

Latest visitor logs not working in cpanel

Sometimes the latest visitors stats are not displayed in the cpanel, to resolve the issue, use the following steps. Try to change WHM –> Tweak Settings –> […]
July 1, 2013

JSON parse error in email

  You may get an error like “JSON Parse error” while creating a new e-mail account via cPanel. This can be fixed by following the below […]
May 29, 2013

Check the PHP Handler in cPanel server.

You may know  how to check the PHP Handler which is running in cPanel server via WHM(Login to WHM>>Configure PHP and suEXEC) But you can also […]
May 15, 2013

Cannot connect from ftpes in a cpanel/WHM server.

  To enabe TLS transation using ftp you need to enable the TLS encrypytion support in the server. To enable this you need to login to […]
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