Payment Gateway Integration is an important aspect in online shopping without which payments cannot be done across countries that hold different currencies. Payment Gateway Integration unifies the online transaction in order to allow the purchasing of certain products and/or services. Team NDZ has a vast experience in this and is well equipped to customize solutions to make ends meet as per expectations. But, how we do that!

Payment gateway integration

Custom Portal Development For PSP

A Payment Service Provider (PSP) enables the online shopping by accepting electronic payments done via Credit card, Debit card, direct bank transfer, bank-based payments, and real-time bank transfer.

How does it work?


Payment Gateway Integration

All merchants keep a third-party acquirer's payment page in order to allow the online transaction.


Direct XML API Solution

All actions being executed within the payment checkout page are processed via XML API connection.


Generic Solution

The checkout page is then redirected to the PSP's page so that the card details are submitted which are redirected back to the merchant to complete the process.

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