Life at NdimensionZ

We know that, as an employer, our staff should be contented to make ends meet. This is why we treat them as a close-knitted family, and this in turn, ensures that our clients and customers are served well as a result of utmost devotion.We provide an excellent environment that isn't too stressful but motivating. At NDZ, we not only focus on an employee's professional growth but also their personal contribution in a number of other activities they are keenly interested in.

Having said that, we proudly accept that we celebrate birthdays and other festivals as well to integrate everyone who is part of NDZ. This rejoices everyone involved and maintains harmony.

Saju S Nair
Saju S Nair
VP - Engineering

I have been working in NdimensionZ for last 8 years and during this period I have only seen growth in NdimensionZ and my capabilities. I have been given responsibilities that maybe no other organization would give, but out here the NdimensionZ gives you higher responsibilities as well as has trust that you will complete it. NdimensionZ is a very determined organization and within this determination I find myself striving along with the company to achieve more and reach greater heights.

NdimensionZ is not just a company, it's a culture itself that lets you develop your talent and ideas because you are listened to and treated as a valuable team member. NdimensionZ is a home away from home

Denny Team Lead , Tech Support

I joined NdimensionZ family in 2008, soon after they started this venture and I am glad that I have been a part of their growth and success throughout this time. More than a company its like a family with caring and loving co-workers, any time approachable, friendly and supportive management who believe in teamwork and works hard towards customer satisfaction. I am really honoured working in a team of talented people at NdimensionZ. I would say NdimensionZ is a great start for those who are looking for challenging jobs and career growth. Once again I feel proud being here.

Sr.Engineer II , Tech Support

I have been with NdimensionZ for the last 10 years. Though there was no shortage on professional challenges at any levels, most of the time I had a feel like a bunch of friends sitting together as a company. Never felt like an employee here, its more like you are in a place surrounded with close friends. I think it has been the success mantra for the last 6 critical years in terms of client base or employee strength, and I am sure that this will be the main contributing factor in future years.

Anish Abraham
Anish Abraham
Sr. Engineer - UI, D&D

NdimensionZ always help me up my progress bar in both my career and personality. I can acquire lot of knowledge regarding my profession from here. Work environment here is fantastic and i'm sure i will never get these kind of atmosphere from anywhere. All the authority and establishment are always helpful to us. I always thankful to the authority for giving these kind of wonderful opportunity in my career.

Sr.Engineer II , Tech Support

I've never known of another company that works so hard to motivate and reward its employees. The best thing about NdimensionZ is the opportunity to learn and grow. Not only am I surrounded by brilliant, friendly, and talented people, but there are so many opportunities for me to develop. I never feel complacent or bored with my role in this organization. The working culture here is friendly, helpful and positive.This is a great place to work. I am so proud to work here.

Nobis Abraham
Nobis Abraham
Team Lead , D&D

I take this opportunity as a great chance to deliver my happiness and satisfaction with NDZ over the last couple of years and it's been dazzling while considering my career as well as my personal life here in NdimensionZ. I could share/learn much from my colleagues, but I never felt simply as colleagues in fact they are my close friends.

If I come to organization's strategy or infrastructure, it's emerging day by day.

Each and everyone here in NdimensionZ can deliver their talent in ease and fruitful manner why because the organizations meets all requirements.

Nithya Deepthi
Manager , Tech Support

I joined NDZ after a break of 4 years in my career. Women like me taken a break for the family, mostly find it difficult to resume their career. It was truly relieving and inspiring, when they got me this awesome chance to work with NDZ. Since then I've been encouraged, lifted and strengthened by these passionate people around. I would say, I've been placed with the best people in the industry. Once I enter the office, I forget the rest of the world and start enjoying my work.

Perceive helping hands around, find time for fun along with the work, learn each day, face new challenges, make bold moves and I don't even know that I'm evolving! - that's my life at NDZ. Loving each day I spend here.

Anoop Kunjukutty
Sr. Quality Analyst I

I have been working in NDZ for the past 7 years. NDZ is a company which has a strong vision and commitment along with an employee friendly atmosphere. I am proud to be a part of this company, which encouraged me with the right amount of supervision and good knowledge transmission. NDZ made me a better professional by nourishing the debugger in me by providing me the confidence to break the systems. I can definitely say that this company really valued me and gave me an opportunity to grow as an employee as well as a human.

Shyjith CK
Team Lead , Tech Support

I have been working at NDZ for the past 8 yrs and counting. Looking back, it is clear to me that what made me stay, is the positive working atmosphere and camaraderie among the workforce at every level. Every endeavor at NDZ is undertaken with zeal and cooperation hardly seen elsewhere. Being a people-centric company, it is always a pleasure to give your all to its projects, as it gives full focus to your needs all the time. Working here has earned me good friends and great experience and has helped me grow as a person and in my profession. Looking forward to many more happy years at NDZ.

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