Vulnerability assessment and Penetration testing

A vulnerability assessment is a method employed to recognise all possible vulnerabilities that could be misused in an environment. The evaluation can be used to assess physical security, personnel (testing through social engineering and more), or system and network security.

vulnerability assessment testing

While the goal of a vulnerability assessment is to recognise all vulnerabilities in an environment, a penetration test literally 'breaks into the network' as a continuation.

Hence, the team only requires to use one or two vulnerabilities to penetrate the environment. From here, the aim is to obtain administrator or root access on the most significant system in the network, which means that the team should own the network and can do anything they would like with the systems and the data. A penetration test is conducted to follow what a real hacker would do and it demonstrates to the company that the organization can certainly be penetrated.

Penetration testing is also indicated as ethical hacking. It is a time-engrossing duty. So, by implementing a vulnerability assessment the organisation understands the week areas where hackers can access its data.


A Payment Card Industry (PCI) ASV Scan monitors your network for any security vulnerabilities that may affect your organization’s capacity to comply with the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS). All business and merchants that must remain by PCI compliance guidance are expected to conduct quarterly Vulnerability Scans of their external PCI network.

NdimensionZ Audit & Compliance consultants can make your infrastructure comply with PCI standards and you will be able to achieve a positive scan report from the approved scanned vendor (ASV) on a single go.

Also, NdimensionZ can provide you ASV scanning in much cheaper rates through networked partners.

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